Favorite person outside of family: Sadly I don't really hang out with anyone that is not family!!
Guilty Pleasure: JUNK FooD ~ if it is bad for me I LOVE IT!!
Quirks about me: I totally contridict myself because I HATE beINg aloNE but I CaN"t staNd to socialize I HAte beIng arOUnd NeW peOple - Im NeVEr conTenT
Any regrets in life: My PasT pAved the RoAd that gOt me HeRE ~ ReGreTS yes ChanGEs None
Favorite Charity/cause: I adMit I aM a sucKeR for donAtinG ~ I sweAR someONe couLd ask me to dONate a Limb to a GooD cauSe and I wouLD giVE my LeGs
Favorite Blog recently: EveryOne I LiKe to See HoW My FaMily MemBErs thAT I donT sEE vERy ofTeN are doINg
Worst job I ever had: I haVe haTEd eveRy job I haVe evER had at 1 point or another buT nonE of THeM weRe reAlly that bad I just really liKe chanGe and geT boarD with my JOBs
Favorite quoTE: (Too Lazy to try and pick my favorite a bible verse right now) We May Not Have it All Together, but Together We Have It All.
Any Confessions: I contridicted myself - I HATE beinG alONe but I haTE socIalizINg- I am never SatiSfieD and I constaNtLY neeD chanGe!!
When are you most relaxed:WheN I am JuSt siTTing with JordAn @ the verY end of the DaY watchINg a rerun of the SimpOns whiLe JOrdAn eaTs his NighTly bowl of Ceral & I try to convince hIm to SharE with ME.
When are you most stressed: I GeT sTreSSEd ouT wHen thERe is an IssuE in MinE and JOrdAN's lifE thaT we HavE totaLLY unDEr conTroL and EveryOne ElsE trIes to MakE it into a BiG IssUe LiKe wE don"t knoW how To haNdLe oursElves and liKE we aRe stUpid.
What can you not live without: JORDAN
Why do you blog: beCauSE my moM KepT bUggINg me aBout geTTing onE pluS aLl my couSins arE on HeRE
Who are you tagging: AnYone wHO waNts to do this
1 year ago