Monday, September 1, 2008

SuMMer RecAP

Since I am StiLL New to This I figUred I woulD takE a moMent to RecAp on our suMMer!! This summer kind of StarTed ouT in tUrtLed SpeeD to SaY the Least. In MaY we hAd a FuN triP in VegAs for Our 1st AnniversarY and that was basicAlly the only vacation wE took thIs YeaR ~ and We hAd a BlaSt!! During May & June JoRdaN had a HecK of a TimE finDing a Job in the slow economy and haD a LoT of FreE time; however, now looKing BacK I reallY took aLL that frEE timE for Granted becAuSe noW thaT we are @ the eND of the sUmmeR JordAn has 2 Jobs, a fuLL scHedule of Classes and Is home to SLeeP. NeeDless to SaY I am fiNalLy LeaRninG how to EnterTain myself.

IN JuNe we werE able to go To the St. GeOrge Temple with My ParEnts where I receIved My EndoWments ~ Such an AwEsome ExperienCe!!! WhEn wE camE OuT My LittlE SistEr's were WaiTing foR us and We GoT to HanG Out on the TempLe grOundS WiTh thEm I am VeRy GraTefuL to haVe thEm in My Life and even MoRe tHanKFul that TheY can Be StucK wiTh me For ALL EterNity thrOUgh HeaVenly FatHer's Plan. At thE end of June we attEnded the MANTi teMplE wheRe JoRdan anD I were seAled for all TimE and ETERNITY.

IN JulY we WerE aBle to SpenD the 4th of July with Both oF ouR faMilies and had Such a Good Holiday juST havINg picniC's and of CourSe GoIng to the RodeO!! For the 24th of July JOrdaN had 2 WorK but I drovE down for The DAy and got to SpEnd tiMe with CodY and His FaMily and My MoM and SistEr's ~ i FeeL verY BlEssEd to Live so CloSe to bE abLe to See My FamIly whEnEveR I want. At thE eNd of JuLy we BouGht a neW CAR!!! FinalLy!!!

August Flew By and we kNeW our GOOd LUck muSt comE to an EnD BecAuse we hAd had such an amazing SuMMEr we knew our LuCk wouLd evEntuaLLY run Out. We got JordAn back Into schoOl JusT in TiMe for oUr Brand NeW car to bReaK DoWn - So iT CuRRently DoEsn't movE and I aM noW shaRing The LovEly trUck with JorDan whilE my CaR geTs FixEd. iT's amAzinG thaT someThinG has To Go WrOnG for ME to AppREciate all The GOOd thiNGs that HappEn. I FeeL verY blEssEd to be MaRRied to JorDan, to LiVe in such a GreAt plAcE, havE an AwEsoME warD FamIly, an AMazIng JoB that I LoVe, and To Be SuRRoundeD by SuCh an AMAzinG fAmiLY whO LoVes me thrOUgh all My Ups And DownS.


The Mason's

I am SO HAPPY you got a blog! I was thinking the other day of telling your mom to tell you to get one. Since we never see each other we will be able to keep in touch. Hope all is good! Congrats on going thru the temple. What kind of car did you end up getting?


Hey! I didn't even know you had a blog! It's good to see you are doing well! I didn't know you got a new car! What kind is it! hope to hear from ya soon!

Love ya!

The Jolley Family

Hey Kylee! I'm so excited that you have a blog now. I was hoping you would start one since we never get to see you guys. What kind of car did you get? You should post some pictures of it. Well I hope all is well for you guys! Talk to you later. Love ya! Brit

* HaiBug *

Hey!! I did not know you got a blog it is so cute!! It was good to see ya when I saw ya last! O ya by the way I need to get your books back to ya!! Just let me know whenyou come up again okay!!

Luv ya,