Thursday, December 11, 2008

ChrIsTmAs TraDiTionS

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper it's Cheaper!!

2. Real tree or Artificial? Real - We like the adventure of cutting down the smallest funniest looking tree in the forest LOL!!

3. When do you put up the tree? Sometime after Thanksgiving

4. When do you take the tree down? When it starts to get annoying usually the first couple of weeks of January

5. Do you like eggnog? Jordan does!!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? I don't think I can remember specifics of what I got - but my parents tried very hard to get us the stuff we wanted.

7. Hardest person to buy for? My Dad, Brother, kristina, and My IN-laws

8. Easiest person to buy for? Kenlee!!!

9. Do you have a nativity scene? I do - but sadly I have no idea where I am ready for Christmas but my little house certainly is nOT!!

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I can't remember a Gift I didn't like!!

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Prancer!!

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Whenever I get around to it - this year early

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not that I can think of

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham and Funeral potatoes - yummy

16. Lights, clear, all one color, or multi on the tree? Clear

17. Favorite Christmas song? Santa Baby!!! or Oh Christmas Tree cuz it always gets stuck in my head when we go get our tree and then i sing it all season!!

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel Santa still comes to my parents house!! - We go where he goes!!

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Oh Yes!!

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? A Bow!!

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? On Christmas Eve, my family always opened pj's but I think JOrdan and I have enough pj's this year so probably not till christmas morning!!

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The People - Everyone is busy trying to get gifts for everyone and forget about the true meaning of Christmas - plus everyone gets GROUCHY!!

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Red Sox - Blue and Red. Last Year my sister-in-law Jamie gave us bear ornaments with Red and Blue scarfs so this year I Have "Players" on my red sox tree LOL. Thanks Jamie!!

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? IDK I asked "Santa" for money so I could go on a shopping weekend with my lil sis for her B-day in January!! Mostly I want everyone to get exactly what they want!! If you really want it (and it is whithin Reason) GET IT we only live so long - it is the little things in laugh. You gotta want it and then Let yourself Have it!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Baseball & 21


It has been said that the Red Sox will break your heart and while they didn't exactly break my heart they did disappoint me!!! After the best game I have seen in a long time Game 4 being down 7 to 0 at the top of the 7th to win it 8 to 7 in the ninth oh yeah they had me hooked!!! And then they make it all the way to game 7 to BLOW IT!! Oh Well what can you do? So I guess for the World Series Go Rays!!!


Alright so it is about 25 Days until my 21st birthday and like any sensible young adult I am planning a trip to Las Vegas for my celebration - the Las Vegas Temple that is- and I am so EXSTATIC!! My B-day is on the 13th but because of Jordan's annoyingly crazy school schedule and way high WeekEnd prices we are waiting to go until the 25th of November (Thanksgiving Vacation). I am SO excited to go to this temple I have been to the St. George and Manti temples but I can't wait for the Vegas one. I have heard it is Gorgeous!! Plus I was told it has a COURTYARD - now if you have been around me lately you should know that I have this strange obsession with Courtyards lately- and so I'll have to say is "It had me @ courtyard" LOL. We are going down on the 25th and coming home on the 26th - So we can make it to Sevier County for thanksgiving- If anyone would like to join us feel free - The More the Merrier.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Go Red Sox

Okay so I have a confession - I LoVE the Red SoX!!! I began watching them last year during the world series and Have been hooked ever since. They have just won the American League Division Series agains the Angels and are now playing the Tampa Bay Rays beginning Friday for the American League Championship!! I am so ExCited - I knOw theY arE goIng to wiN another World Series this year!! Go Sox!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TaG frOm BriTnEy

Favorite person outside of family: Sadly I don't really hang out with anyone that is not family!!
Guilty Pleasure: JUNK FooD ~ if it is bad for me I LOVE IT!!
Quirks about me: I totally contridict myself because I HATE beINg aloNE but I CaN"t staNd to socialize I HAte beIng arOUnd NeW peOple - Im NeVEr conTenT
Any regrets in life: My PasT pAved the RoAd that gOt me HeRE ~ ReGreTS yes ChanGEs None
Favorite Charity/cause: I adMit I aM a sucKeR for donAtinG ~ I sweAR someONe couLd ask me to dONate a Limb to a GooD cauSe and I wouLD giVE my LeGs
Favorite Blog recently: EveryOne I LiKe to See HoW My FaMily MemBErs thAT I donT sEE vERy ofTeN are doINg
Worst job I ever had: I haVe haTEd eveRy job I haVe evER had at 1 point or another buT nonE of THeM weRe reAlly that bad I just really liKe chanGe and geT boarD with my JOBs
Favorite quoTE: (Too Lazy to try and pick my favorite a bible verse right now) We May Not Have it All Together, but Together We Have It All.
Any Confessions: I contridicted myself - I HATE beinG alONe but I haTE socIalizINg- I am never SatiSfieD and I constaNtLY neeD chanGe!!
When are you most relaxed:WheN I am JuSt siTTing with JordAn @ the verY end of the DaY watchINg a rerun of the SimpOns whiLe JOrdAn eaTs his NighTly bowl of Ceral & I try to convince hIm to SharE with ME.
When are you most stressed: I GeT sTreSSEd ouT wHen thERe is an IssuE in MinE and JOrdAN's lifE thaT we HavE totaLLY unDEr conTroL and EveryOne ElsE trIes to MakE it into a BiG IssUe LiKe wE don"t knoW how To haNdLe oursElves and liKE we aRe stUpid.
What can you not live without: JORDAN
Why do you blog: beCauSE my moM KepT bUggINg me aBout geTTing onE pluS aLl my couSins arE on HeRE
Who are you tagging: AnYone wHO waNts to do this

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey everyone so I have figured out I am really bad at blogging. I like to decorate my blog but I forget to write in my blog, so here it goes. On August 29 - August 31 my mom and Kadee came to visit us. I needed to but out signs for my work at all the homes in the Parade of homes so my boss bought us tickets to go see the houses. On Saturday we got up and spent 6 hours driving from house to house and we got to see some gorgeous houses. I thought it was awesome - even though most of the houses' master bathrooms were as big as my whole house LoL. We had a really fun weekend and Kadee and me got really good at sticking those stupid signs into the ground. - Thanks for your help Dee.

I mentioned before my car was broke and 5 Grand (thank goodness for waranties) and three trips to the doctor later you would think it was better - but that is where your wrong. I finally got my brand new car back after two weeks of being "Fixed" and on the way home from St. George it killed on us twice (No we didn't even make it home before the stupid thing broke again). So we tried to figure out another plan to get it back to St. George and in the mean time the car basically worked so I just drove it - cheaper on gas then the truck. So yesterday I was at a stoplight on my way to work, the light turned green, I let out the clutch, and did I go - No I sat there with a line of cars honking at me behind me in the middle of morning traffic let me just tell you how fun that was. Luckily there were some nice guys behind me and they pushed my car out of the road. So Long story short Jordan drove the car Back to the doctor this morning before school (the car died on him 4 times before he got there) and I am back driving the old reliable chevy.

In the meantime may I take a moment and say OH BABY!!! At the office where I work there are three brothers that own the company, 1 driver, and me and in the last 4 months there has been 5 babies born!!! CRAZY!!! My one boss had TWINS (1-boy and 1- girl) in May, my other TWO bosses had BOYS in august and our driver had a GIRL on monday - that makes 5. So needless to say we are up to our ears in babies around here and all I get is there dads LOL!! NOt to mention the handful of people I know that are expecting - ConGrats and GooD LucK to evERyonE with little BuNDlEs of JoY!!

Well that is all for my super exciting life LOL.

Monday, September 1, 2008

SuMMer RecAP

Since I am StiLL New to This I figUred I woulD takE a moMent to RecAp on our suMMer!! This summer kind of StarTed ouT in tUrtLed SpeeD to SaY the Least. In MaY we hAd a FuN triP in VegAs for Our 1st AnniversarY and that was basicAlly the only vacation wE took thIs YeaR ~ and We hAd a BlaSt!! During May & June JoRdaN had a HecK of a TimE finDing a Job in the slow economy and haD a LoT of FreE time; however, now looKing BacK I reallY took aLL that frEE timE for Granted becAuSe noW thaT we are @ the eND of the sUmmeR JordAn has 2 Jobs, a fuLL scHedule of Classes and Is home to SLeeP. NeeDless to SaY I am fiNalLy LeaRninG how to EnterTain myself.

IN JuNe we werE able to go To the St. GeOrge Temple with My ParEnts where I receIved My EndoWments ~ Such an AwEsome ExperienCe!!! WhEn wE camE OuT My LittlE SistEr's were WaiTing foR us and We GoT to HanG Out on the TempLe grOundS WiTh thEm I am VeRy GraTefuL to haVe thEm in My Life and even MoRe tHanKFul that TheY can Be StucK wiTh me For ALL EterNity thrOUgh HeaVenly FatHer's Plan. At thE end of June we attEnded the MANTi teMplE wheRe JoRdan anD I were seAled for all TimE and ETERNITY.

IN JulY we WerE aBle to SpenD the 4th of July with Both oF ouR faMilies and had Such a Good Holiday juST havINg picniC's and of CourSe GoIng to the RodeO!! For the 24th of July JOrdaN had 2 WorK but I drovE down for The DAy and got to SpEnd tiMe with CodY and His FaMily and My MoM and SistEr's ~ i FeeL verY BlEssEd to Live so CloSe to bE abLe to See My FamIly whEnEveR I want. At thE eNd of JuLy we BouGht a neW CAR!!! FinalLy!!!

August Flew By and we kNeW our GOOd LUck muSt comE to an EnD BecAuse we hAd had such an amazing SuMMEr we knew our LuCk wouLd evEntuaLLY run Out. We got JordAn back Into schoOl JusT in TiMe for oUr Brand NeW car to bReaK DoWn - So iT CuRRently DoEsn't movE and I aM noW shaRing The LovEly trUck with JorDan whilE my CaR geTs FixEd. iT's amAzinG thaT someThinG has To Go WrOnG for ME to AppREciate all The GOOd thiNGs that HappEn. I FeeL verY blEssEd to be MaRRied to JorDan, to LiVe in such a GreAt plAcE, havE an AwEsoME warD FamIly, an AMazIng JoB that I LoVe, and To Be SuRRoundeD by SuCh an AMAzinG fAmiLY whO LoVes me thrOUgh all My Ups And DownS.

Friday, August 29, 2008

NeWbEE :0)

Hey EvEryOne, So ObviOusLy I am WaY New @ tHis and oN toP of ThaT I dOn't havE a WhOlE buNch of TiME to FigUre thIs stUff ouT riGHt Now So Bare wiTh me PlEasE!! But HoPEfulLy I wiLL geT beTTer at ThIs anD gEt somEthiNG inTerEstinG to TaLk AbouT!!!